Easy Path to Travel to Omniscience (2014-15)

Teachings on The Easy Path to Travel to Omniscience by Panchen Losang Chokyi Gyaltsen given by Venerable Thubten Chodron at Sravasti Abbey.

The five afflictive views

The five wrong views that get in the way of our understanding conventional and ultimate reality. How the four distortions underlie the afflictions.

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Ethical conduct and precepts

The higher training of ethical conduct: the eight types of precepts taken for liberation, and the antidotes to the factors that lead to transgressing them.

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Guided meditation: imagining our death

Imagining our death prepares our mind for death and helps us make our life meaningful while alive.

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Guided nine-point death meditation

Meditating on death brings meaning and purpose to our life and helps to avoid wasting time on trivial pursuits.

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Guided meditation: The lower realms and refuge

Reflecting on the possibility of a lower rebirth inspires us to take refuge in the Three Jewels, Buddha, Dharma and Sangha.

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Guided meditation: Taking refuge in the Three J...

Looking at our present situation and the qualities of the Three Jewels inspires us to take refuge.

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Guided meditation: The four characteristics of ...

Meditating on the four aspects of karma helps to change our attitudes and actions to create the causes of happiness and avoid the causes of…

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The eightfold path

Explanation of the eightfold noble path as it is viewed in the Pali and Sanskrit traditions. Similarities and differences.

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Developing equanimity

Developing equal care and concern for others sets the foundation for cultivating bodhicitta.

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Equanimity: Changing our conceptions of others

Developing equanimity means changing our view of others and how we categorize them as friend, difficult person, or stranger.

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Seeing all beings as having been our kind mother

Two meditations to move us beyond the appearances of this life and see that all beings have been our kind mother. A step towards bodhicitta.

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