Gomchen Lamrim (2015-18)

Teachings on the Gomchen Lamrim, also entitled The Ascertainer of the Door to Practice Arisen from the Stages of the Path to Awakening: The Essence of All Eloquent Speech, by the great meditator Ngawang Drakpa of Dagpo.

Equalizing self and others

The method of equalizing self and others for cultivating bodhicitta.

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Self centeredness and the five decisions

The disadvantages of self-centeredness and the five decisions to make after equalizing self and others.

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Disadvantages of self-centeredness

Investigating the empty nature of mental states, how self-centeredness operates in our lives, and the disadvantages of self-centeredness.

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Benefits of cherishing others

The disadvantages of self-centeredness and the benefits of cherishing others.

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Taking on the suffering of others

A commentary on the description of the taking-and-giving meditation laid out in the book "Transforming Adversity into Joy and Courage."

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Extensive giving

Reading from the book "Transforming Adversity into Joy and Courage" on the giving aspect of the taking-and-giving meditation.

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Offering our bodies to sentient beings

Teaching from "Transforming Adversity into Joy and Courage" on mentally giving away our bodies for the benefit of all sentient beings.

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Giving to all sentient beings

How to give to all sentient beings and holy beings as in the taking-and-giving meditation.

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Aspiring bodhicitta

Finishing the teaching on the taking-and-giving meditation and continuing with the precepts of aspiring bodhicitta.

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The precepts for aspiring and engaging bodhicitta

The precepts for aspiring bodhicitta and beginning the explanation of the bodhisattva ethical restraints.

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Bodhisattva ethical restraints 5-10

Discussion of the bodhisattva precepts in relation to modern-day ethical dilemmas.

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