
Teachings on mindfulness, a mental factor that enables the mind to stay on its chosen object. These include teachings on mindfulness in developing concentration and keeping ethical conduct.

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Making Offerings

Taking down offerings

The third of three talks about how to set up an altar at home covers…

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Sign that says path of life
On Mindfulness

Turning my life around

A person in prison shares his experience of living the five precepts.

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Making Offerings

Water bowl offering

The second of three talks about how to set up an altar at home covers…

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Making Offerings

How to set up an altar

The first of three talks about how to set up an altar at home explains…

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Cover of Don't Believe Everything You Think.

A realistic and beneficial viewpoint

The story behind "Don't Believe Everything You Think" and how to incorporate the 37 practices…

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Building Trust

What mental factors protect trust?

Several mental factors, like mindfulness and consideration for others, can help us to remain trustworthy…

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Cultivating Concentration Retreat 2012

The hindrances: Doubt

What mindfulness means in developing serenity, and an explanation of the fifth hindrance that prevents…

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Cultivating Concentration Retreat 2012

The hindrances: Dullness and restlessness

A guided meditation session followed by the continued teaching on the five hindrances to concentration.…

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Exploring Monastic Life 2012

Motivation and community

How to cultivate a motivation of compassion and kindness for others while living in community.

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A row of novice nuns kneels to receive a stick to enter the annual monastic retreat.
Prayers and Practices

Monastic mind motivation prayer

Verses recited daily at Sravasti Abbey by both monastics and guests in order to cultivate…

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Moss and Mary Grace in front of one of the Abbey altars.
On Taking Illness Onto the Path

Practicing with what’s in front of you

When we are faced with caring for loved ones who are ill and suffering, practicing…

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