
Teachings on the mental affliction of attachment, including its causes, disadvantages, and antidotes.

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Contentment and Happiness

How to achieve success, happiness and love

Re-defining success, happiness and love on our own terms, and understanding how the Buddhist perspective…

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Venerable Chodron with eyes closed, holding a microphone.
Contentment and Happiness

Attaining and balancing wealth

Examining what money symbolizes in our life, and how overcoming self-centeredness can bring about inner…

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A white stone statute of buddha with wood background.
Bodhisattva Path

The seed of enlightenment

Letting go of bias, anger, resentment, and grudges, and how to cultivate equanimity, kindness, and…

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Couple holding hands.
Family and Friends

Romance and family life

Buddhist advice for parents and for youth on romantic love and relationships.

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The sun rises in an orange misty sky above trees and mountains.
Wheel of Sharp Weapons Retreat 2004

Wheel of Sharp Weapons: Verses 63-71

Actions and their results. Examining attachment, relying on the Three Jewels, and keeping good ethical…

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The sun rises in an orange misty sky above trees and mountains.
Wheel of Sharp Weapons Retreat 2004

Wheel of Sharp Weapons: Verses 35-42

Continuing to look at actions and their results, how to keep the mind focused on…

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Abbey guest meditating outside.

Dealing with distractions

Techniques for dealing with the mind and body that can't sit still in meditation.

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Thangka image of Manjushri

Introduction to Manjushri practice

About the practice of the Majushri sadhana, the symbolism of the deity's appearance and what…

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The words past, present, and future in yellow neon.
On Mindfulness

Transforming the three times

How to use the present wisely to create causes for a happy future instead of…

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Mandala offering hand mudra.
Mandala Offering

Mandala offerings

The meaning and purpose of the practice of making mandala offerings, especially in the context…

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Venerable Damcho, sitting outside, working on a laptop and smiling.
Mind and Mental Factors

Three beneficial mental factors

Good ethical discipline is the basis of (1) respect for ourselves and (2) consideration for…

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