
Teachings on the mental affliction of attachment, including its causes, disadvantages, and antidotes.

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Sunrise at Borobudur, the back view of the Buddha and stupas.
Essence of Refined Gold

The emptiness of inherent existence

How realizing emptiness helps to relax our mind, reduce attachment, and release anger and confusion.…

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Cover of book Open Heart, Clearn Mind.
Open Heart, Clear Mind

Developing a kind heart

The importance of developing loving kindness, an open-hearted care for others.

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Cover of book Open Heart, Clearn Mind.
Open Heart, Clear Mind

The four opponent powers for purification

The importance of purifying negative karma and how to use the four opponent powers in…

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Venerable Chodron sitting near a window, reading a book.
Contentment and Happiness

Simplifying our lives

Letting go of life's complications by giving up the dissatisfied mind and closing down the…

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Shantideva Teachings in Singapore

Chapter 3: Verses 10-20

How to look at our experiences of hurt or betrayal from a Dharma point of…

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Silhouette of man metitating in front of sunrise.

Enlightening the path in our hearts

Are you dealing with hard situations in life or having difficulties with others? Daily meditation…

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A man standing inside a very bright circle of light.
Dharma in Daily Life

Living a balanced life and making wise choices

Practical advice on how to live a balanced life and make wise, beneficial decisions.

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Hand gesture symbolizing the universe that you are offering to the Buddhas.
Essence of Refined Gold

Five hindrances to concentration

A teaching on the five hindrances to concentration according to the Pali canon.

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Young woman sadly looking downward.
Fear, Anxiety, and Other Emotions

Disappointment and delight—the eight worldly c...

Confronting the eight worldly concerns will transform our attachments and emotional afflictions into happiness and…

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Open Heart, Clear Mind

The determination to be free

Understanding the meaning of renunciation, what we are wishing to be free from, the effects…

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A slice of chocolate cake on a plate.
On Attachment

Letting go of attachments

A chocolate cake, a chuck steak or the love of another person—can they make us…

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Open Heart, Clear Mind

Buddha nature and precious human life

Seeing our potential and the conducive circumstances we have to actualize it.

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