Buddhist nuns

Guidance from teachers of various Buddhist traditions on the importance of ensuring that women experience full equality in their opportunity to practice and teach the Dharma.

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Venerable Chodron in meditation with a small group of lay practitioners..
A Nun's Life

Behind the scenes with Venerable Thubten Chodron

A broad discussion about becoming a nun, founding an abbey in North America, and the…

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Living in Community

The purpose of precepts

A talk to the newly ordained about monastic life, a monastic mind, interacting with the…

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Cover of Choosing Simplicity.

About Venerable Bhikshuni Wu Yin

Brief biography of vinaya master Venerable Bhikshuni Wu Yin whose commentary on the Bhikshuni pratimoksha…

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Cover of Choosing Simplicity.

Monastic life: a living tradition

The story behind "Choosing Simplicity," a commentary by vinaya master Venerable Bhikshuni Wu Yin on…

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Venerable Chodron and Venerable Tenzin Kacho, standing in front of an altar at Vajrapani Institute in Boulder Creek.
Western Buddhist Monastic Gatherings

The four messengers

The signs of aging, sickness, death, and the spiritual seeker deeply moved Prince Siddhartha, and…

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Blossoms of the Dharma book cover.
Blossoms of the Dharma

Recommended further reading

Further resources on the topics covered in Living as a Buddhist Nun.

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Blossoms of the Dharma

Audience with His Holiness the Dalai Lama

A question-and-answer session with His Holiness regarding ordination and the situation and practice of the…

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Blossoms of the Dharma

Living the Dharma

The importance of studying the teachings and meditating on them, making the Dharma central to…

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Portrait of Bhikshuni Wendy Finster.
Blossoms of the Dharma

Bringing a psychological perspective to the Dharma

A nun trained as a psychologist discusses mental health issues that may arise while studying…

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Blossoms of the Dharma

Finding our way

A reflection on the Dharma, working with afflictions, self-esteem, ordination, and living within the precepts.…

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Portrait of Mitra Bishop Sensei.
Blossoms of the Dharma

Something about Zen

From the Rochester Zen center, an ordained female priest goes to Japan to study with…

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Portrait of Chi Kwang-Sunim.
Blossoms of the Dharma

The nuns in Korea

Australian-born nun in a South Korean nunnery discusses becoming a nun, a nun's life, and…

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