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Shantideva Teachings at Sravasti Abbey

The merits of bodhicitta

Answering questions and teaching on Verses 1.24-1.33 on the vast merits that come from generating…

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Kenryuu with his arm around his mother, both smiling and standing with Venerable Chodron.
On Taking Illness Onto the Path

My trip to the operating theatre and back

I recently had an infected cyst on my back. It had grown quickly, got infected,…

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A group of nuns meditating.
Buddhist Meditation 101

Meditation on the kindness of others

A guided meditation to generate awareness of interdependence and of being the recipient of kindness.

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Two nuns meditating.
Antidotes to Afflictions

Meditation on working with anger

A guided meditation to reflect on the causes of anger and the antidotes.

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Volume 2 The Foundation of Buddhist Practice

The death process

Teaching from the section "The Death Process" and starting the section "Helping Ourselves and Others…

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Two young men sitting next to each other and meditating.
Buddhist Meditation 101

Meditation on mind is the source of happiness and pain

A guided meditation to help understand how our thoughts and feelings influence our experience. Includes…

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Shantideva Teachings at Sravasti Abbey

The bodhisattva ethical code

Giving commentary to Verses 15-23, explaining 8 guidelines that keep bodhicitta from degrading and teaching…

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An Open-Hearted Life


What it means to have self-compassion and how it helps to cultivate compassion for others.…

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Living a Meaningful Life

Meditation on death

A guided meditation to help clarify priorities in life in order to live wisely and…

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Volume 2 The Foundation of Buddhist Practice

Other life forms

Teaching from the sections "Other Life Forms" and "Fear or Hope at Death?" in Chapter…

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Shantideva Teachings at Sravasti Abbey

The benefits of bodhicitta

Meditating on equanimity and explaining the benefits of bodhicitta, covering various analogies that explain these…

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Shantideva Teachings at Sravasti Abbey

Why bodhicitta is so powerful

Finishing teaching on the ten fortunes of a precious human life and explaining why bodhicitta…

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