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Grounds and Paths

Review session: The first two bodhisattva grounds

An overview of the bodhisattva paths and grounds and review of the section “Four Features…

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Illumination of the Thought

Outshining hearers and solitary realizers

Explanation of how bodhisattva superiors outshine hearers and solitary realizers by way of their qualities.

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Geshe Yeshi Lhundup smiles while teaching in the Meditation Hall.
Illumination of the Thought

First bodhisattva ground: The Very Joyful

Commentary on the grounds of bodhisattva superiors and beginning the commentary on the first ground,…

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Illumination of the Thought

Review session: Compassion, impermanence and emptiness

Questons and answers When meditating on compassion, what is the object of meditation? Is the…

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Illumination of the Thought

Compassion conjoined with wisdom

Continued commentary on the three types of compassion and beginning the section on ways of…

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Illumination of the Thought

Review session: Three types of compassion

A review session on the three types of compassion, including the analogy of the bucket…

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Illumination of the Thought

Three types of compassion

Explanation of Chandrakirti's verses identifying three types of compassion.

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Volume 2 The Foundation of Buddhist Practice

Definite and indefinite karma

Continuing the teachings from Chapter 11, finishing section "The ripening of karmic seeds" and starting…

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Library of Wisdom and Compassion

Stages on the path to awakening

An overview of the teachings on the stages of the path to awakening and The…

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Antidotes to Afflictions

Meditation on working with anger and developing comp...

A guided meditation to subdue anger and cultivate compassion by transforming how we view those…

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Kuan Yin statue on a pedestal with a flower garland in her lap under a tree.
37 Practices of Bodhisattvas

The 37 Practices of Bodhisattvas: Verses 16-20

Commentary on verses for training the mind to transform how adverse circumstances are viewed and…

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