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Thangka image of Shantarakshita.
LR01 Lamrim Outline

Lamrim outline: Intermediate

A detailed outline of the practices of an intermediate level practitioner: the four noble truths…

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Thangka image of Shantarakshita.
LR01 Lamrim Outline

Lamrim outline: Initial

A detailed outline of the practices of an initial level practitioner: remembering death, the lower…

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Thangka image of Shantarakshita.
LR01 Lamrim Outline

Lamrim outline: Foundation

A detailed outline of the foundation practices of the lamrim: relying on a spiritual mentor…

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Thangka image of Shantarakshita.
LR01 Lamrim Outline

Lamrim outline: Preparatory practices

A detailed outline of the six preparatory practices to carry out before a meditation session.

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Thangka image of Shantarakshita.
LR01 Lamrim Outline

Lamrim outline: Introduction

A detailed outline of the introduction to the gradual path (lamrim) teachings.

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Water droplets on dandelion seeds.
Guided Meditations

Meditations on the lamrim

A general outline for meditation of the steps for each topic in the gradual path…

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Thangka image of Shantarakshita.
LR01 Lamrim Outline

Lamrim outline (overview)

A general overview of the gradual path teachings with links to more specific teachings on…

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Thangka image of Shantarakshita.
Lamrim Teachings 1991-94

Stages of the Path (lamrim) 1991-1994

An easy to navigate outline of the "gradual path" teachings given at Dharma Friendship Foundation.

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A woman looking very sad and despair.
Science and Buddhism

The Mind and Life III Conference: Emotions and health

Do buddhas have emotions? Why do we feel low self-esteem and self-hatred? Finding peace through…

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Cover of book Open Heart, Clearn Mind.

Practicing the Buddha’s teachings

His Holiness the Dalai Lama's foreword to 'Open Heart, Clear Mind' which "conveys a clear…

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A bright blue color lotus
Refuge in the Three Jewels


An examination of the reason we take refuge, the things we have relied on in…

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