
Teachings on the mental affliction of anger, including its causes, disadvantages, and antidotes.

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Healing from Gun Violence

Sadness and anger in response to mass shootings

Working with the sadness and anger in response to mass shootings. How to generate compassion…

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Venerable Chodron teaching.

Forgiving ourselves and others

How to cultivate forgiveness by first accepting our own imperfections and mistakes and extending compassion…

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Healing Anger

Transforming anger

Learning to react to situations with love and compassion instead of anger.

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Antidotes to anger

The third of three talks given at a retreat on how to practice forgiveness by…

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Anger versus clarity

The second of three talks given at a retreat on how to practice forgiveness by…

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Retreating from anger

The first of three talks given at a retreat on how to practice forgiveness by…

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Bodhisattva Ethical Restraints

Bodhisattva ethical restraints: Auxiliary vows 19-22

The misdeeds that obstruct the trainings in far-reaching fortitude and joyous effort. We have to…

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Bodhisattva Ethical Restraints

Bodhisattva ethical restraints: Auxiliary vows 16-18

Precepts that involve helping others who are doing destructive actions, not responding to insults in…

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Bodhisattva Ethical Restraints

Bodhisattva ethical restraints: Auxiliary vows 4-5

Bringing the precepts into real life situations and an explanation of when not following a…

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Grounds and Paths

Far-reaching fortitude

The types of patience and how to develop patience, how to use patience to work…

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