Path of seeing

Part of a series of teachings on the bodhisattva paths and grounds according to the Yogācāra Svātantrika Madhyamaka given by Venerable Gyume Khensur Rinpoche at Sravasti Abbey in August 2006.

Afflictions to abandon

  • Good ethical discipline as the primary cause for an upper rebirth
  • The unsatisfactoriness of even upper rebirth due to the three types of suffering
  • The aggregates as the basis upon which we experience all suffering
  • The need to abandon delusion in order to attain liberation
  • Attaining the path of seeing with the direct perception of emptiness
  • True paths and true cessations as the actual Dharma refuge
  • The ten afflictions to be abandoned on the path of seeing

Paths and grounds of bodhisattvas 04 (download)

The exalted mind

  • The obscurations eliminated on the path of seeing for each of the three vehicles
  • The importance of extensive accumulation of virtue as a means of making the mind strong enough to overcome afflictions on the path of seeing
  • Attributes of the three types of exalted mind

Paths and grounds of bodhisattvas 05 (download)

Ganden Tripa Lobsang Tenzin Rinpoche

Kyabje Jetsun Lobsang Tenzin Palsangpo was appointed the 104th Ganden Tripa, spiritual leader of the Gelug school of Tibetan Buddhism, in April, 2017. Born in Tibet in 1934, Rinpoche was ordained as a monk at the age of seven. Following His Holiness the Dalai Lama into exile in 1959, he entered Sera Je Monastery at the age of seventeen. Following a rigorous study of the Buddhist philosophies, he obtained the highest honor of Geshe Lharampa degree in 1979 after debate examinations attended by His Holiness the Dalai Lama and other senior Buddhist scholars. After receiving the Geshe Lharampa degree, he entered Gyume Tantric University and two years later became a master of discipline. Rinpoche also studied the esoteric teachings of the Mahayana tradition extensively while he was there at Gyume Tantric University. In 1985, His Holiness the Dalai Lama appointed him as the abbot of Gyume Tantric University, a position he held for 6 years. He was appointed to the position of Jangtse Choje in 2010, which placed him second in line for the position of Gaden Tripa after former Sharpa Chojey late Jetsun Lobsang Tenzin at that time. He has taught widely in India and the West, including teaching the summer courses at Deer Park Buddhist Center in Wisconsin, taking over after the retirement of his teacher, Geshe Lhundup Sopa.