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Writing an autobiography

Cover of the book Preparing for Ordination.

A series of articles published as Preparing for Ordination, a booklet prepared by Venerable Thubten Chodron and available for free distribution.

The one who requests ordination writes an autobiography. This gives him or her time to reflect and put into words key thoughts on ordination and practice. It also gives the ordination master and the monastery the opportunity to get to know the person. The autobiography should include responses to the following questions:

  1. How did you come to know about Buddhism?
  2. What was it that initially attracted you to Buddhism?
  3. What is your motivation to learn Buddhism?
  4. What does your daily Buddhist practice consist of?
  5. What has your Buddhist education included?
  6. Have you done any meditation retreats? What was your experience in them? What did you learn?
  7. What do you want to accomplish as a monastic? What is your goal, your dream?
  8. What is the relationship between your motivation to learn Buddhism, ordination, and the sangha community? What is your understanding of the purpose and mission of monastics?
  9. How is your health? Have you had any acute illnesses or injuries in the past? Do you have any chronic ailments now?
  10. Are you or have you ever been on medication for mental problems? Have you ever been hospitalized for mental difficulties?
  11. Describe your family of origin and how the people relate to each other. What are your observations of your parents and sibling? Have you ever been married or in a long-term relationship? What is happening now with that?
  12. What is your educational background?
  13. What work experience have you had?

Luminary Temple

A monastery and Buddhist institute established by Bhikshuni Master Wu Yin, the Luminary Temple has approximately 100 nuns who study, teach, and practice the Dharma in the temple’s various branches in Taiwan.

Luminary Temple
49-1 Nei-pu, Chu-chi
Chia-I County 60406, Taiwan
[email protected]

Guest Author: Luminary Temple

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