
Teachings on how to cultivate wisdom on many different levels, ranging from the wisdom that understands karma and its effects, the four truths, and how to benefit others, to the wisdom realizing the ultimate nature of reality.

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The first frost of snow falls on a Buddha statue in the garden amidst fall foliage.
37 Practices of Bodhisattvas

37 Practices: Verses 29-37

The perfections of concentration and wisdom, and the final verses on the practices of bodhisattvas.

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Vajrasattva statue
Vajrasattva Winter Retreat 2005-06

Denial of death

How to get to the appropriate feeling towards death; examining who it is that's making…

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Tangkha image of Chandrakirti.
Three Principal Aspects of the Path

Profound view

How wisdom and compassion support each other. Ten ways to practice mindfulness of emptiness. When…

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Monk walking toward a transparent Buddha figure.
Three Principal Aspects of the Path

The self as a merely labeled phenomenon

Why understanding dependent arising precedes the realization of emptiness. The meaning of being merely labeled.…

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Statue of Je Tsongkhapa
Three Principal Aspects of the Path

Ways in which we apprehend phenomena

What does it mean when we say that things, including the self, exist in dependence…

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Statue of a Buddha.
Three Principal Aspects of the Path

Progressing from wrong conceptions to correct view

How to use your meditation to move through the various stages of realizing emptiness, the…

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Three Principal Aspects of the Path

Negating inherent existence

The three levels of selflessness. Conventional and ultimate truths. The three levels of dependent arising.

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Statue of Lama Tsongkhapa and altar.
Three Principal Aspects of the Path

Cultivating the correct view

The importance of meditating on emptiness. How ignorance leads to suffering and wisdom eliminates suffering.…

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Ven. Chogkyi listening to Ven. Chodron give a Dharma talk.
Exploring Monastic Life 2005

Essentials of monastic life

The heart of ordination is to guide our mind away from negative actions and to…

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Sangha walking down a country road.
Exploring Monastic Life 2005

Historical evolution of the sangha

Dharma practice means being a balanced human being with self acceptance and ease, not being…

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