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Volume 3 Samsara, Nirvana, and Buddha Nature

Four puzzling points

Explaining the four puzzling points, from the section, "A Puzzle", in Chapter 13.

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Stages of the Path

What to do during the actual session

Explaining how to practice mediation in general, continuing the teaching from Chapter 5.

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Stages of the Path

The six preparatory practices

Explaining the six preparatory practices and describing the seven-limb prayer, from Chapter 5.

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Thubten Chodron

Q&A session in Bodhgaya, India

Answers to questions on Dharma practice and experience as a Buddhist nun.

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Stages of the Path

Reliance on a teacher

Explaining the benefits of reliance and the faults of improper reliance in relation to the…

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Stages of the Path

The way to rely on a teacher

Leading a guided meditation on relating to a spiritual teacher in a healthy, realistic way…

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Dharma in Daily Life

Thriving in tough times

Using difficult situations as opportunities for spiritual growth.

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Stages of the Path

How to see the spiritual mentor

Explaining the characteristics of a student and describing how to develop faith and three ways…

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