thought transformation

Teachings on lojong or thought training techniques to train the mind to turn difficult circumstances into opportunities for spiritual growth and awakening.

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Working with Emotions

Addressing negative emotions

Using difficulties as a reminder of cyclic existence and learning to transform negative emotions.

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Working with Emotions

Recognizing negative emotions

Learning to notice negative emotions and navigate difficult situations with mindfulness and compassion.

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Buddhist Worldview

Rejuvenate your life

How the Buddha’s teachings can help us have a happy mind meaningful life.

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Dharma in Daily Life

Overcoming obstacles to practice

What hindrances affect our practice? Examples of these and how to overcome them.

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Shantideva Teachings at Sravasti Abbey

Enough childish behavior!

Shantideva on giving up childish behavior and following in the steps of the wise

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Shantideva Teachings at Sravasti Abbey

Aggression, arrogance and grudges

How to work with our dominating, aggressive side that wants to get what we want…

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Shantideva Teachings at Sravasti Abbey

Declaring my faults & praising others

Commentary on thought transformation verses that explain how to exchange self and others.

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Shantideva Teachings at Sravasti Abbey

The faults of self-centeredness

How self-centeredness creates problems in our lives, and the actual method of exchanging self and…

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