Tenets with Geshe Dorji Damdul (2008)

Geshe Dorji Damdul teaches on the tenet systems in Tibetan Buddhist philosophy, a presentation of different schools of thought on Buddhist philosophy of mind and reality, at Sravasti Abbey in 2008.

Mental states and objects of knowledge

The Chittamatra explanation of mind-basis-of-all, objects of knowledge according to Prasangika, and partless particles according to Vasubandhu.

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Meditation on emptiness

The preciousness of study and meditation on emptiness and the gap between the objective reality and the subjective appearance.

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Emptiness in everyday life

How ignorance, conceptualizations, afflictions and karma are linked and how to practice the understanding of emptiness in daily life.

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Emptiness and bodhicitta

The benefits of generating bodhicitta and how emptiness and bodhicitta can support one another.

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Generating bodhicitta

Equalizing and exchanging self and others and the seven-fold cause and effect relationship.

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Discussion: Mind-only school

A discussion session regarding uncompounded space, objects as reflections of mind, and cause and effect according to Chittamatra.

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Benefits of cultivating bodhicitta

Combining the two techniques for cultivating bodhicitta and the benefits of cultivating bodhicitta.

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