Madhyamaka through Metaphors with Geshe Tenzin Chodrak (Dadul Namgyal) (2015-17)

Teachings by Geshe Tenzin Chodrak (Damdul Namgyal) on Middle Way philosophy given at Sravasti Abbey.


The slides used in this teaching series can be found in pdf format here.

The Madhyamaka view

An overview of Madhyamaka philosophy and the apparently conflicting views taught by the Buddha to students of different capacities.

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Ignorance, afflictions, and emptiness

The relationship between the wisdom realizing emptiness and the other practices on the path, and on the benefits of understanding the Madhyamaka view.

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The Madhyamaka view: Questions and answers

Geshe Dadul Namgyal answers questions from the first day of teachings on the Madhyamaka view.

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Right understanding of emptiness

Tendencies to watch out for when learning about emptiness, and important distinctions to be made to arrive at the right understanding of emptiness.

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Meditation: Searching for the self

Geshe Dadul Namgyal guides a meditation on searching for the sense of "I" that inherently exists.

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The object of negation

The distinctions that have to be made to arrive at the right understanding of emptiness.

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The Madhyamaka view: A review

Geshe Dadul Namgyal returns to teach on the Middle Way view of Buddhist philosophy, beginning with a review of material covered in last year's teachings.

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The whole and its parts

Using the reasoning of dependence on parts to show how things cannot be inherently existent.

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