Illumination of the Thought with Geshe Yeshi Lhundup (2019–22)
Geshe Yeshi Lhundup, a senior Dharma teacher at Drepung Loseling Monastery, teaches on Lama Tsongkhapa's Illumination of the Thought, a commentary on Chandrakirti’s Supplement to the Middle Way.
Review session: The first two bodhisattva grounds
An overview of the bodhisattva paths and grounds and review of the section “Four Features of Birth on the First Ground".
View PostOutshining through intelligence
How bodhisattvas outshine hearers and solitary realizers in intelligence and beginning the section on how hearers and solitary realizers realize selflessness.
View PostReview session: Bodhisattvas outshine through i...
A review of the attainments of seventh ground bodhisattvas and the different levels of selflessness.
View PostRealizing emptiness by hearers and solitary rea...
Further explanation why Hearers and Solitary Realizers realize the emptiness of inherent existence and the reasonings supporting this position.
View PostReview session: Coarse and subtle selflessness
A review of Chandrakirti's assertions that hearer and solitary realizer arhats realize the emptiness of inherent existence.
View PostCommon and uncommon afflictions
The difference between uncommon and common afflictions, and the distinction between the coarse and subtle four noble truths.
View PostReview session: Identifying the root of samsara
A review of topics including identifying the correct root cause of samsara and the different conceptions of self.
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