Gems of Wisdom (2014-2015)

Short talks on Gems of Wisdom, a thought-training text by the Seventh Dalai Lama.

Root Text

Gems of Wisdom translated by Glenn H. Mullin is available from Shambhala Publications here.

Verse 61: A reliable protector from suffering

The Three Jewels are the most reliable source of refuge from all forms of suffering in cyclic existence.

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Verse 62: The wish-fulfilling jewel

Meeting a qualified Mahayana spiritual mentor is crucial for us to progress along the path to awakening.

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Verse 63: The currency that eradicates all poverty

How our spiritual faith can counteract disturbing states of mind and sustain us in our practice.

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Verse 64: Our supreme friend

Mindfulness of the Dharma teachings that we have studied and contemplated is our best friend on the spiritual path.

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Verse 65: Resting the weary mind

On the hindrances that arise when we cultivate concentration and how to counteract them with antidotes.

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Verse 66: The eye of wisdom

How we begin to understand emptiness gradually, and how the two truths—ultimate and conventional—go together.

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Verse 67: The wise and skilled teacher

The importance of finding our own internal wisdom, integrating the Dharma into our lives so that we know how to practice when difficult situations arise.

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Verse 68: The one with intense discipline

How to work with our rationalizing mind that tries to make excuses to follow our afflictions.

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Verse 69: The best speaker of all

How hearing, thinking and meditating are crucial in helping us to integrate the Dharma into our mindstreams and enable us to share our insights effectively.

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Verse 70: The most respected of all beings

How we should respect those who are wise in the Dharma, and how our own craving for respect actually points to a sense of low…

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Verse 71: Living an exemplary life

Developing authentic care and concern for others. The progression from faking it to being it is gradual; this kind of authenticity is possible.

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Verse 72: The sweetest conversation

How to be mindful of our speech, our motivations when interacting with others, and cultivating speech that is clear, gentle, appropriate, and useful.

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