Awakening Joy Retreat (Boulder Creek 2014)

Teachings on Chapter 7 of Shantideva’s Engaging in the Bodhisattva's Deeds given during a weekend retreat at Vajrapani Institute in Boulder Creek.

Root Text

A Guide to the Bodhisattva's Way of Life translated by Stephen Batchelor and published by the Library of Tibetan Works and Archives is available as an ebook on Google Play here.

Silhouette of person and bird flying against bright pink sunset.

Joyous effort, ignorance, and laziness

This retreat on joyous effort begins with teachings on cultivating fortitude and counteracting laziness to help us along the path.

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Silhouette of person and bird flying against bright pink sunset.

Counteracting laziness

The different types of laziness and how to counteract them, and the importance of remembering death and setting clear priorities in our lives.

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Silhouette of person and bird flying against bright pink sunset.

Awakening joy

How to generate armor-like joyous effort, avoid despondency, and counteract laziness, discouragement and weariness.

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Silhouette of person and bird flying against bright pink sunset.

A joyous long-term vision

The importance of aspiration and a joyous long-term vision, self-confidence, and an examination of the fruits of virtue and non-virtue.

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Silhouette of person and bird flying against bright pink sunset.

Steadfastness and self-confidence

How to distinguish self-confidence from conceit, engaging in virtue with enthusiasm, and the disadvantages of self-centeredness round out this retreat.

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