Search results for “purification practices

Zopa Herron working at the computer.
On Taking Illness Onto the Path

Advice for upcoming surgery

A student shares on the practices that helped her to face breast cancer and undergo…

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Thangka image of the Buddha.
Prayers and Practices

Practicing Dharma in daily life

Lama Zopa Rinpoche describes some lovely ways to incorporate Dharma practice into every aspect of…

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White Tara Winter Retreat 2010-11

Freedom through imagination

How to imagine the light and nectar flowing from Tara as purifying negative karma, sickness…

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Stages of the Path in the Guru Puja

Hindrances to concentration: Restlessness

Part one of two talks on the fourth of the five hindrances, restlessness and remorse,…

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Venerable Semkye leading morning chants.
Prayers and Practices

Daily practice chants

A collection of the daily recitations and chants done at Sravasti Abbey.

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Seven-point Mind Training

Teachings on emptiness

The type of person who is suitable to receive teachings on emptiness and the danger…

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Seven-point Mind Training

The precepts of mind training

How we tend to view others as objects or commodities for our own happiness rather…

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Green Tara Winter Retreat 2009-2010

What it means to do retreat

We have to understand what retreat means. We are retreating from dukkha, from suffering, not…

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A man standing in a prison highly grill window.
Prison Dharma

Prison outreach in Mexico

Buddhist principles that are transforming prison outreach are taught to leaders in a Mexican correctional…

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