
Bodhicitta is the mind dedicated to attaining awakening for the benefit of all sentient beings. Included are explanations of bodhicitta, its advantages, and how to develop bodhicitta.

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The sun rises in an orange misty sky above trees and mountains.
Wheel of Sharp Weapons Retreat 2004

Wheel of Sharp Weapons: Verse 104-Conclusion

How things exist dependent on causes and conditions, they appear one way and exist in…

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The sun rises in an orange misty sky above trees and mountains.
Wheel of Sharp Weapons Retreat 2004

Wheel of Sharp Weapons: Verses 99-104

How we can grow in our Dharma practice through these courageous mind-training practices. Thinking about…

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The sun rises in an orange misty sky above trees and mountains.
Wheel of Sharp Weapons Retreat 2004

Wheel of Sharp Weapons: Verses 93-98

Taking on suffering of others without fear and having no doubt that self-cherishing is the…

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The sun rises in an orange misty sky above trees and mountains.
Wheel of Sharp Weapons Retreat 2004

Wheel of Sharp Weapons: Verses 50-62

Disadvantages and effects of self-grasping ignorance, self-cherishing and having insincere motivations when we act.

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Orange streaks in a cloudy sky as the sun sets.
Wheel of Sharp Weapons 2004-06

Wheel of Sharp Weapons: Verses 95-98

The importance of seeing the disadvantages of self-centeredness and the benefits of cherishing others. More…

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Orange streaks in a cloudy sky as the sun sets.
Wheel of Sharp Weapons 2004-06

Wheel of Sharp Weapons: Verses 56-59

Recognizing that the real enemies are the self-centered thought and self-grasping ignorance. How those misapprehensions…

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A group of nuns from various religions sitting at a table, talking.
Interfaith Dialogue

“Nuns in the West I:” Interviews

Buddhist and Catholic monastics open discussion on various views.

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Abbey monastics laughing joyously.
Dharma in Daily Life

Joyous effort

Cultivating antidotes to discouragement and laziness helps our Dharma practice.

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Woman meditating in a camper.
Three Principal Aspects of the Path

Taking and giving

The taking and giving meditation, or tonglen, reverses our usual attitude of placing ourselves first…

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Person in meditation.
Three Principal Aspects of the Path

Exchanging self and others

When we learn to place others' happiness above our own, we start to destroy the…

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Man helping another young man with a crutch.
Three Principal Aspects of the Path

The advantages of cherishing others

Our own enlightenment is dependent on each and every sentient being. When we abandon the…

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Young man sitting on window sill, staring out window.
Three Principal Aspects of the Path

The disadvantages of self-centeredness

The self-centered mind is one of the chief obstacles to our attaining liberation and enlightenment.

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