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Volume 2 The Foundation of Buddhist Practice

Mental non-virtues

Teaching three mental non-virtues and the four branches required for a complete act of killing…

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A rainbow appears in the gray sky above the treeline.

The four opponent powers

Explaining the four opponent powers of purification, and encouraging us to take responsibility for our…

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A rainbow appears in the gray sky above the treeline.

Stories of forgiveness

Continuing with the Gift of Forgiveness retreat, discussing various stories of forgiveness to illustrate the…

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A rainbow appears in the gray sky above the treeline.

Understanding disturbing emotions

Leading a question and answer session and exploring how to understand our disturbing emotions so…

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A rainbow appears in the gray sky above the treeline.

The disadvantages of holding grudges

Beginning the Gift of Forgiveness retreat, discussing the disadvantages of anger, overcoming a culture of…

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Volume 2 The Foundation of Buddhist Practice

General characteristics of karma

Teaching from the sections “General Characteristics of Karma” and “Specific Characteristics of Karma” in Chapter…

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Shantideva Teachings at Sravasti Abbey

Different kinds of refuge

Teaching on the different kinds of refuge – causal and resultant, and final and provisional…

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An Open-Hearted Life

Working with judgement and partiality

A look at the source of our judgement and bias, its influence on interactions, and…

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Cultivating the Four Immeasurables

Meditation on compassion and personal distress

Meditation on distinguishing between compassion and personal distress at the suffering of others with ways…

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