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Volume 2 The Foundation of Buddhist Practice

Intention, karmic paths and afflictions

Describing how the ten non-virtues can be distinguished from each other in terms of being…

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Volume 2 The Foundation of Buddhist Practice

Three nonvirtues of mind

Explaining the ten non-virtues, covering idle talk, and the three non-virtues of mind: covetousness, malice…

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Shantideva Teachings at Sravasti Abbey

Regretting negativity by reflecting on death

Giving commentary to Verses 32-41, showing how reflecting on death can help clarify what is…

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An Open-Hearted Life

Compassion and empathy

How empathy is a core component of compassion, both in being able to feel compassion…

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Cultivating the Four Immeasurables

Meditation on the kindness of others

A guided meditation to bring awareness of being connected to others and being the recipient…

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Seven-point Mind Training

Putting bodhicitta into practice

Meditations to cultivate bodhicitta, including taking-and-giving (tonglen) and offering the four elements of the body.

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Volume 2 The Foundation of Buddhist Practice

Verbal non-virtues

Continuing the explanation of ten non-virtues, covering the third physical non-virtue and the first three…

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Dealing with Grief

Meditation for parents grieving the loss of a child

A guided meditation for those who are grieving the death of a child. The meditation…

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Shantideva Teachings at Sravasti Abbey

Removing barriers to forgiveness

Discussing what gets in the way of forgiving others and responsibility for our harmful actions

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