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Medicine Buddha Weeklong Retreat 2021

Practicing fortitude in daily life

How to let go of anger and practice fortitude in daily life. Continued explanation of…

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Medicine Buddha Weeklong Retreat 2021

“Letter to a Friend”: Verses 9-18 review

Commentary on verses that explain the far-reaching practices of generosity, ethical conduct, and fortitude in…

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Medicine Buddha Weeklong Retreat 2021

Medicine Buddha sadhana explained

Explanation of the Medicine Buddha sadhana, including the purpose of reciting sadhanas,

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Medicine Buddha Weeklong Retreat 2021

“Letter to a Friend”: Verses 1-8 review

A review of verses 1 to 8 including the prologue, six recollections that generate faith,…

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Medicine Buddha Weeklong Retreat 2021

The symbolism of Medicine Buddha

A review of the five lay precepts, and explanation of the symbolism of Medicine Buddha.

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Easy Path to Travel to Omniscience

Spiritual teachers

The qualities of spiritual teachers and benefits of relying on them plus an introduction to…

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Shantideva Teachings at Sravasti Abbey

Practical advice on manners

Covering Verses 91-100 of Chapter 5, discussing advice on manners, namely actions such as spitting,…

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Stephen sitting outside in meditation posture, reading a Dharma book.
Dharma Poetry

Clarity, confidence and courage

Antidotes to the afflictions of confusion, self-doubt, and fear that hold us back in our…

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An Open-Hearted Life

Helping each other feel safe

How to identify when we do or do not feel safe, how to cultivate a…

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Cultivating the Four Immeasurables

Meditation on metta and safety

A guided analytical meditation on loving-kindness or metta, focusing on offering safety to friends, enemies…

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Nun smiling while meditating in a library.

Buddhist mindfulness and secular mindfulness

The contemporary trend of mindfulness differs from the 2,500-year-old practice that was taught by the…

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