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A nun stands by a lake with open meadow and trees.
Mind and Mental Factors

Concealment, lethargy, laziness

How the afflictions related to ignorance impede spiritual progress and how to overcome them.

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A nun stands by a lake with open meadow and trees.
Mind and Mental Factors

Complacency, agitation

Teachings on the afflictions derived from attachment and antidotes to them.

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Venerable Chodron smiling.
A Nun's Life

Life as Buddhist nun in the West

The challenges and lessons learned by a Western nun help to understand what it means…

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A nun stands by a lake with open meadow and trees.
Mind and Mental Factors

Wrath, vengeance, spite, jealousy

Summary of disturbing attitudes that arise from anger and specific antidotes.

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Blossoms of the Dharma

A message from His Holiness the Dalai Lama

Advice for Buddhist nuns to single-mindedly take the essence of Buddhism and put it into…

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A nun stands by a lake with open meadow and trees.
Mind and Mental Factors


How the mental factor of ignorance holds on to a solid self and analysis to…

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A nun stands by a lake with open meadow and trees.
Mind and Mental Factors

Reflections on mind training

Sharing personal experiences to highlight the importance of watching our mind.

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