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Stages of the Path

The greatness of the Dharma

Explaining the greatness of the dharma from Chapter 2 and describing the benefits of listening…

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Healing Anger

Working with anger, part 1

An explanation of the Buddhist view of anger and how to work with it.

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Working with Emotions

Compassion for oneself, compassion for others

How we can overcome self-hatred and self-criticism and learn to be more kind and friendly…

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Dharma in Daily Life

Open heart, clear mind

Practical advice on how we can apply Buddhist psychology to improve the quality of our…

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Dharma in Daily Life

Question and answers on Dharma and life

Answers to Dharma and personal questions. Topics include aging, issues around sickness, and death and…

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Stages of the Path

The roadmap to enlightenment

Covering Chapter 1, "Greatness of the Author" and beginning Chapter 2, "Greatness of the Dharma"

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Volume 3 Samsara, Nirvana, and Buddha Nature

Three aspects of the Tathagatagarbha

Explaining the three aspects of the Buddha Essence, from the section "Three Aspects of the…

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New to Buddhism

Working with the eight worldly concerns

A short talk on how to work with the eight worldly concerns: attachment to praise,…

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Volume 3 Samsara, Nirvana, and Buddha Nature

What obscures our buddha nature

Explaining the remaining five similes, from the section, "Nine Similes for Tathāgatagarbha" and beginning the…

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