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Stages of the Path

Covetousness and malice

The four aspects of harsh speech, idle talk, covetousness, and malice.

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Creating our world: dependent arising

An explanation of rebirth through dependent arising, based on commentaries of the Rice Seedling Sutra.

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Volume 4 Following in the Buddha's Footsteps

Three Jewels of the Vajra vehicle

Finishing the section of Final and Provisional Refuges, and explaining the Three Jewels According to…

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Thubten Chodron

Cultivating the wasteland

At this year’s Triple Platform Ordination at Taiping Foen Temple in Taichung, there was an…

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Volume 4 Following in the Buddha's Footsteps

Final and provisional refuges

Describing the difference between the Three Jewels and the objects of refuge, both final and…

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Volume 4 Following in the Buddha's Footsteps

Eight excellent qualities of sangha jewel

Explaining the eight qualities of sangha jewel found in Maitreya’s Sublime Continuum, teaching from Chapter…

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Volume 4 Following in the Buddha's Footsteps

Eight excellent qualities of the dharma jewel

Explaining the eight excellent qualities of the dharma jewel found in Maitreya’s Sublime Continuum, teaching…

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Volume 4 Following in the Buddha's Footsteps

The eight excellent qualities of the dharma jewel

Explaining the context for understanding the eight qualities of the dharma jewel, teaching from Chapter…

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