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Volume 3 Samsara, Nirvana, and Buddha Nature

The potential for liberation

Explaining the obscurations to the mind and factors for liberation, reviewing the sections, "The Mind's…

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Buddhism: One Teacher, Many Traditions

Q&A with Clear Mountain Monastery

Question and answer with Ajahn Kovilo and Ajahn Nisabho of Clear Mountain Monastery in Seattle,…

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Mind and Mental Factors

Mapping the Buddhist path onto combating the afflict...

Quotes from scriptures on the afflictions and how the Buddhist path involves removing the afflictions.

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Shantideva Teachings at Sravasti Abbey

Enough childish behavior!

Shantideva on giving up childish behavior and following in the steps of the wise

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Chants from the Chinese Tradition

Incense offering chant

The incense offering that opens monastic rites in the Chinese Buddhist tradition.

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Young Adults Explore Buddhism 2023

Our identity crisis

How social media is affecting personal identities plus personal experiences with identity.

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Young Adults Explore Buddhism 2023

Introduction to meditation

Basic Buddhist meditation, guided meditations, and some antidotes to the afflictions that may arise in…

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