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Volume 3 Samsara, Nirvana, and Buddha Nature

What obscures our buddha nature

Explaining the remaining five similes, from the section, "Nine Similes for Tathāgatagarbha" and beginning the…

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Living in Community

What if the Buddha were a lay woman?

Questions from the Hamburg Dharma College about Venerable Thubten Chodron's personal practice, monastic life, and…

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Ethics in the Modern World

Kindness in practice

How might we respond with kindness towards others no matter what situations arise?

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Living with Impermanence

A matter of life and death

How being mindful of death in our daily life can help us and how to…

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Dealing with Grief

Transforming problems into the path

Whether grief can be seen as an affliction, the four distorted conceptions, and how to…

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Dealing with Grief

Stages of grief

A teaching on the seven stages of grief with a meditation.

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Dealing with Grief

Five remembrances

An introduction to the topic of grief and the five remembrances.

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Volume 3 Samsara, Nirvana, and Buddha Nature

Like gold in filth

Explaining the third and fourth similes, from the section “Nine Similes of Tathagatagarbha”, in Chapter…

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Working with Emotions

Cultivating loving-kindness

Practical ways to cultivate kindness towards ourselves and others in our daily lives.

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Buddhist Worldview

The four thoughts that turn the mind

A series of Buddhist contemplations on the preciousness of our human life, impermanence and death,…

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