Wheel of Sharp Weapons (2004–06)

Extensive commentary on The Wheel of Sharp Weapons by Dharmarakshita given at Sravasti Abbey from 2004-06.

Orange streaks in a cloudy sky as the sun sets.

Wheel of Sharp Weapons: Verses 49-55

Identifying the real enemy, where our suffering comes from: self-centeredness and self-grasping ignorance, and how to counter it.

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Orange streaks in a cloudy sky as the sun sets.

Wheel of Sharp Weapons: Verses 56-59

Recognizing that the real enemies are the self-centered thought and self-grasping ignorance. How those misapprehensions create our suffering.

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Orange streaks in a cloudy sky as the sun sets.

Wheel of Sharp Weapons: Verses 60-63

A continuation of verses that point out our bad habits and how our self-grasping ignorance and self-centered thoughts sabotage our wish for happiness.

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Orange streaks in a cloudy sky as the sun sets.

Wheel of Sharp Weapons: Verses 64-66

Getting a feeling for the object of negation in the emptiness meditation, and practicing the path rather than getting caught up in position or recognition.

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Orange streaks in a cloudy sky as the sun sets.

Wheel of Sharp Weapons: Verses 67-69

The importance of becoming honest with ourselves, admitting our faults, and not always blaming others for our problems or projecting our faults onto them.

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Orange streaks in a cloudy sky as the sun sets.

Wheel of Sharp Weapons: Verses 69-72

How reminding ourselves that the afflictions are the fault of the self-centered thought gives us strength to oppose it.

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Orange streaks in a cloudy sky as the sun sets.

Wheel of Sharp Weapons: Verses 73-76

Verses covering such topics as the eight worldly concerns, community property, receiving advice and admonishment.

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Orange streaks in a cloudy sky as the sun sets.

Wheel of Sharp Weapons: Verses 81-83

Remembering what samsara is, it's causes, and applying that to our life. Coming to see how we create concepts and conventions.

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Orange streaks in a cloudy sky as the sun sets.

Wheel of Sharp Weapons: Verses 84-85

Verses describing how to approach learning the Dharma, avoiding wrong views, and working with our views and opinions.

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Orange streaks in a cloudy sky as the sun sets.

Wheel of Sharp Weapons: Verses 86-89

Verses covering the importance of focused study to support meditation, reliance on a teacher, working with various meditation experiences, doubt and curiosity.

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Orange streaks in a cloudy sky as the sun sets.

Wheel of Sharp Weapons: Verses 90-91

Watching our tendency to do the opposite of what our teachers instruct, becoming willing to undergo hardships in order to practice the Dharma.

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