Medicine Buddha Sadhana Teachings (2021)

Teachings on the Medicine Buddha practice given during the Medicine Buddha retreat at Sravasti Abbey in July 2021.

The symbolism of Medicine Buddha

A review of the five lay precepts, and explanation of the symbolism of Medicine Buddha.

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Medicine Buddha sadhana explained

Explanation of the Medicine Buddha sadhana, including the purpose of reciting sadhanas,

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Practicing fortitude in daily life

How to let go of anger and practice fortitude in daily life. Continued explanation of the Medicine Buddha sadhana.

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The psychological mechanism of making request p...

The psychological mechanism of making requests in the Medicine Buddha sadhana. Also, how adversity is a Dharma practice opportunity and can help us on the…

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Medicine Buddha healing visualizations

Continued explanation of the request section of the Medicine Buddha sadhana and the healing visualizations done while reciting the Medicine Buddha mantra.

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Medicine Buddha retreat: Questions and answers

Responses to questions on the Medicine Buddha practice and Dharma practice topics, including rebirth, mantras, and integrating the teachings into daily life.

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Medicine Buddha’s unshakable resolves 1-6

Part one of the explanation of the Medicine Buddha’s unshakable resolves—resolves 1 though 6. Also the importance of reflecting on the kindness of others.

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Medicine Buddha’s unshakable resolves 7-12

The second part of the explanation the Medicine Buddha’s unshakable resolves. Resolves 7 through 12 are covered.

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