Gomchen Lamrim (2015-18)

Teachings on the Gomchen Lamrim, also entitled The Ascertainer of the Door to Practice Arisen from the Stages of the Path to Awakening: The Essence of All Eloquent Speech, by the great meditator Ngawang Drakpa of Dagpo.

Nine stages of sustained attention

Teaching on Maitreya's nine stages of sustained attention, including the six powers and four types of attention.

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From serenity to the jhanas

Explaining how to progress from serenity to the jhanas, and describing the first four of the six supernormal powers.

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Serenity and insight

Review of meditative stability and developing serenity (samatha) and insight (vipashyana).

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Attaining serenity

Teaching on flawed methods of meditating, the five faults, the six powers, the four types of attention, and how to know you’ve attained serenity.

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Identifying afflictive ignorance

Beginning the section on insight and covering the two kinds of grasping at self (persons and phenomena.)

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Realizing selflessness

Continuing the section on insight and explaining how realizing selflessness cuts the root of samsara.

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Identifying the person

Teaching on how to identify the conventionally existent person and challenge its appearance of being inherently existent.

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Identifying inherent existence

Covering the section “Establishing the lack of an intrinsic nature of 'mine'” and explores how conventional and inherent existence appear to the mind.

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Illusion-like appearances

Covering three sections on the illusion-like appearance of conventional reality experienced after meditative equipoise on emptiness.

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Dependent arising

Sharing a newly written prayer to Kwan Yin and teaching on the relationship between emptiness and dependent arising.

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The correct view

Continuation of the commentary on verses from Je Rinpoche's "Three Principle Aspects of the Path," about how to realize emptiness.

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Review of serenity

Venerable Thubten Tarpa reviews the teachings on serenity, focusing on what to take as your meditation object.

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