
Teachings on the core of Buddhist philosophy: that persons and phenomena are ultimately empty of inherent existence because they are dependent arisings. This is the most powerful antidote that eliminates the ignorance and afflictions that give rise to suffering.

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How Rebirth Works

Creating our world: dependent arising

An explanation of rebirth through dependent arising, based on commentaries of the Rice Seedling Sutra.

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Volume 4 Following in the Buddha's Footsteps

Final and provisional refuges

Describing the difference between the Three Jewels and the objects of refuge, both final and…

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Volume 4 Following in the Buddha's Footsteps

Eight excellent qualities of sangha jewel

Explaining the eight qualities of sangha jewel found in Maitreya’s Sublime Continuum, teaching from Chapter…

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Volume 4 Following in the Buddha's Footsteps

Eight excellent qualities of the dharma jewel

Explaining the eight excellent qualities of the dharma jewel found in Maitreya’s Sublime Continuum, teaching…

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Volume 4 Following in the Buddha's Footsteps

The eight excellent qualities of the dharma jewel

Explaining the context for understanding the eight qualities of the dharma jewel, teaching from Chapter…

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Volume 4 Following in the Buddha's Footsteps

Eight excellent qualities of the buddha jewel

Explaining the eight excellent qualities of the Buddha Jewel found in Maitreya’s Sublime Continuum, teaching…

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Volume 4 Following in the Buddha's Footsteps

Three jewels according to the perfection vehicle

Describing the qualities of the three jewels based on the perfection vehicle, teaching from Chapter…

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Volume 4 Following in the Buddha's Footsteps

Three jewels according to the fundamental vehicle

Describing the qualities of the three jewels, giving commentary on the Jewel Sutra and explaining…

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Stages of the Path

Excellent qualities of the dharma and sangha

Explaining the qualities of the dharma jewel and sangha jewel and the precepts to follow…

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Volume 3 Samsara, Nirvana, and Buddha Nature

Awareness of our buddha nature eliminates hindrances

Concluding teaching from the text, "Samsara, Nirvana and Buddha Nature", covering the topic are we…

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Volume 3 Samsara, Nirvana, and Buddha Nature

Causal clear light mind

Describing the clear and cognizant nature of the mind and innate clear light mind, covering…

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Qualities of a Spiritual Teacher

Remembering the kindness of the guru with Ven. Khadro

Stories about Lama Zopa Rinpoche and Lama Yeshe from Venerable Sangye Khadro’s experience.

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