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Heart Advice for Death and Dying

It is difficult to accept the inevitability of our own deaths or the deaths of our loved ones. Although avoiding death is not possible, it is possible to prepare for death and equip ourselves with tools to help those around us engage with their own deaths in the most beneficial way.

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About the book and audio recordings

These teachings and meditations for the time of death are a collection of eleven hours of audio teachings by Venerable Sangye Khadro which accompany essential advice and commentaries by Lama Zopa Rinpoche.

Teachings by Lama Zopa Rinpoche

  • Impermanence and Death Meditation: Life is Finishing Quickly
  • The Nine-Point Meditation on Death
  • The Process of Dying
  • Preparing for Death
  • The Essential Practice for the Time of Death: the Five Powers
    • The Essential Meditation for the Time of Death: Tonglen
  • Caring for the Dying and the Dead
  • Essential Activities at the Death Time
  • Medicine Buddha Sadhana
    • The Benefits of Medicine Buddha Practice
    • Medicine Buddha Sadhana
  • Mantras to Benefit the Dying and Dead
  • Helpful Resources

Guided Meditations by Venerable Sangye Khadro

  • Meditation 1: Impermanence
  • Meditation 2: The Inevitability of Death
  • Meditation 3: The Uncertainty of the Time of Death
  • Meditation 4: Applying the Four Opponent Powers
  • Meditation 5: What Helps at the Time of Death
  • Meditation 6: Purifying with OM AH HUM
  • Meditation 7: Tonglen Using Your Own Problem
  • Meditation 8: The Eight Stages of the Death Process
  • Meditation 9: Tonglen for Another Person’s Problem
  • Meditation 10: Medicine Buddha Practice

Mindfulness Practices by Venerable Sangye Khadro

These practices consist of reflecting throughout the day on a passage from Venerable’s teachings:

  • Mindfulness Practice 1: The Changing Nature of Things
  • Mindfulness Practice 2: I am Definitely Going to Die
  • Mindfulness Practice 3: Death Could Happen to Me at Any Time
  • Mindfulness Practice 4: There are Many Causes of My Death
  • Mindfulness Practice 5: What Won’t Help Me When I’m Dying
  • Mindfulness Practice 6: How I Want to Live My Life
  • Mindfulness Practice 7: Transforming Problems
  • Mindfulness Practice 8: Taking on Others’ Suffering
  • Mindfulness Practice 9: Setting Aside My Own Needs and Wishes
  • Mindfulness Practice 10: Praying for Help in Difficult Situations