Bhikshu Posadha and Rites to Establish the Territory
Rites for fully ordained monks to establish a territory and conduct the bimonthly confession and recitation of precepts from the Dharmaguptaka Vinaya. This text is best read by fully ordained monastics.
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It is rare to hear the teaching of the Pratimoksha Sutra, and it may take countless great eons to encounter it. Studying and reciting it are also rare. Practicing it is the rarest of all.
Overview of contents
Fully ordained Buddhist monastics gather on full and new moon days to renew their commitment to living in the ethical guidelines laid down by the Buddha, which is the foundation for developing concentration and wisdom, and which enables the Three Jewels to flourish in the world.
This booklet contains the Dharmaguptaka Vinaya rite for the bimonthly confession (posadha) for Buddhist monastics, the Pratimoksha Sutra for bhikshus, and other rites required for and related to conducting the posadha.
According to the Buddha’s Vinaya, this text may only be read by fully ordained Buddhist monastics.