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Sidewalk chalk drawing of a heart and the words 'All you need is love.'
Three Principal Aspects of the Path

The benefits of love

Developing love in our minds brings benefits, as outlined in Nagarjuna's book The Precious Garland,…

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Image from Ascent Magazine – of Brother Wayne Teasdale, Venerable Chodron and Swami Radhananda.
Interfaith Dialogue

Determined to be free

A Buddhist nun, a sanyasi columnist and an urban mystic have an inspiring talk about…

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Boys at the morning prayer in a monastic school in Myanmar.
New to Buddhism

Advice for newcomers to the Dharma

Tips on how to act in Dharma centers. Figuring out what to study and practice.…

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Venerable Chonyi meditating outside.

Questions and answers on meditation

Answers to all the questions you have ever had about how to meditate.

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Three Principal Aspects of the Path

All beings have been our mother

When we can relate to all beings as having once been our mother, our attitude…

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Close-up of golden Buddha's face.
Three Principal Aspects of the Path

The advantages of bodhicitta

Why should we pursue the Buddhist ideal of being of benefit to all living beings?…

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Sign in the forest that says love
On Self-Worth

Deserving love

Reasons why people do not feel worthy of love. Having compassion and love for oneself…

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The back view of a golden statute of the young shakyamuni Buddha, pointing in the sky.
Refuge in the Three Jewels

Understanding refuge

Exploring the meaning and benefits of taking refuge in the Three Jewels and how to…

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