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Venerable Chodron sitting in front of a large gold Buddha statue, teaching to a group of people.
For Young People

Finding your purpose in life

By looking inside, we discover what we can contribute to the world instead of getting…

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Shantideva Teachings at Sravasti Abbey

Review of Chapter Six: Verses 12-21

How we can use suffering and difficult situations to increase our compassion, instead of responding…

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Venerable Chodron sitting in front of a large Buddha statue while teaching to a group of students.
Thought Training

Practicing the Dharma in difficult times

How to take the difficulties that are part of life into our spiritual practice to…

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Volume 3 Samsara, Nirvana, and Buddha Nature

The purity of the mind

Reviewing Chapter 12, "The Mind and Its Potential", describing the nature of the mind and…

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Dharma in Daily Life

Questions and answers on Dharma in daily life

Answers to student questions on how how to apply the Dharma in common situations.

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A Presentation of the Establishment of Mindfulness

The four objects of mindfulness

Introduction to the four establishments of mindfulness including the four objects and the common manner…

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