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Peaceful Living, Peaceful Dying Retreats

The way we live will affect the way we die

Awareness of impermanence and death helps us to live more meaningfully and die peacefully.

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Volume 3 Samsara, Nirvana, and Buddha Nature

Unborn clear light mind

Comparing how the primordially pure mind is understood in the New Translation School (clear light…

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Working with Emotions

Be your own therapist

How to pay attention to, identify, and unpack the thoughts that inform our emotions in…

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Dealing with Grief

A tribute to Lama Zopa Rinpoche

Lessons from spiritual teachers and advice to students after a spiritual mentor’s passing.

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Stages of the Path

Introduction to the Four Establishments of Mindfulness

The importance of learning the Four Establishments, an overview of them, and a meditation on…

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Shantideva Teachings at Sravasti Abbey

Enacting others’ welfare

Commentary on Shantideva's verses that explain how to exchange self and others.

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Volume 3 Samsara, Nirvana, and Buddha Nature

Primordially pure awareness

Explaining the meaning of "primordially pure" and our need to interweave the understanding of emptiness…

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Dronsel and a monastic smiling with arms out, in a snowy meadow.
Dharma Poetry

Reflections after doing retreat on the four establis...

Poems inspired by teachings on the four establishments of mindfulness.

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