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我想分享一个简短的故事,非常感谢您的教导。 几个月来我一直在练习 拉姆林 冥想 使用你的书 修行道阶的引导禅修. 昨天我真的很沮丧; 我在考虑一些可能会失败的房地产投资,作为我家里唯一的养家糊口的人,担心我可能会失去退休金和积蓄,我的家人会一贫如洗。 今天早上,而不是沉思下一个 拉姆林 话题,我决定 沉思 on gehechtheid 及其解毒剂。 我特别花了一些时间思考我的 gehechtheid 物质财富以及随之而来的恐惧和担忧 gehechtheid 造成的。 使用您在第 173-4 页上的提纲,我开始看到这 gehechtheid 使我情绪起伏,滋生不满,分散我修持佛法的注意力,它肯定让我担心和焦虑。

I then thought about how much emphasis I placed on these “investments,” and the imaginative stories I made up in my mind about how things would turn out, when in fact these were all stories in my mind that were not real. I then used the death 冥想 to see that after death these “investments” will be of no use to me, and that since these material possessions are impermanent and changing why should I cling to them now. Further, my family’s happiness does not depend on material possessions any more than my happiness does, and my irritability and frustration does not help anything.

经过今天早上的事,我的整个心态发生了变化 冥想; 虽然我知道我将来可能会担心这些投资,但我确实知道解毒剂 gehechtheid 工作,我将来会用到它们。

