
Books by Venerable Thubten Chodron

Venerable Thubten Chodron has authored 28 books and edited 23 others. Monthly eTeachings share excerpts from her books – we invite you to sign up here. Books in translation can be found on the corresponding English book page or on book genre pages if there is no English equivalent. Learn more about each book below.

See this page for Books by Venerable Sangye Khadro

The Library of Wisdom and Compassion

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Book cover of "Vajrayana and the Culmination of the Path"

Vajrayana and the Culmination of the Path

The final volume of the Library of Wisdom and Compassion by His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Vener...

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Book cover of In Praise of Great Compassion

In Praise of Great Compassion

Volume 5 of The Library of Wisdom and Compassion takes us beyond our present situation and guides...

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Book cover of Following in the Buddhas Footsteps

Following in the Buddha’s Footsteps

Volume 4 of The Library of Wisdom and Compassion delves into the core of Buddhist practice: the T...

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Book cover of Foundation of Buddhist Practice

The Foundation of Buddhist Practice

Volume 2 of The Library of Wisdom and Compassion describes the bedrock of Buddhist practice — ess...

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New to Buddhism

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Book cover of Open Heart Clear Mind

Open Heart, Clear Mind

A practical introduction to the application of Buddhist psychology to modern life in order to bet...

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Book cover of Buddhism for Beginners

Buddhism for Beginners

An accessible and engaging introduction to some of the most commonly asked questions about the es...

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Book cover of Taming the Mind

Taming the Mind

A book showing us how to find peace and contentment through the application of the teachings of t...

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Book cover of Gavin Discovers the Secret

Gavin Discovers the Secret to Happiness

A book enjoyable and beneficial for all ages, Gavin Discovers the Secret to Happiness has much to...

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Dharma in Daily Life

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Book cover of Awaken Every Day

Awaken Every Day

An instant dose of everyday wisdom, these insightful reflections help us understand our minds, ou...

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Book cover of An Open Hearted Life

An Open-Hearted Life

How do we turn “do more, have more, be more” on its head and cultivate compassion as ...

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Book cover of The Compassionate Kitchen

The Compassionate Kitchen

Food can be used to nourish both the body and the mind. The Compassionate Kitchen speaks to eatin...

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Working with Anger

A variety of Buddhist methods for subduing anger, not by changing what is happening, but by worki...

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Meditation, Prayers, and Practices

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Book cover of Guided Buddhist Meditations

Guided Buddhist Meditations

This invaluable resource provides Dharma practitioners with clear explanations of the stages of t...

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Book cover of Pearl of Wisdom I

Pearl of Wisdom, Book I

A compilation of prayers and practices commonly taught to people beginning to study and practice ...

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Book cover of Pearl of Wisdom II

Pearl of Wisdom, Book II

An inspiring resource for students who have already entered into the practice of Tibetan Buddhism...

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Book cover of Cultivating a Compassionate Heart

Cultivating a Compassionate Heart

The Buddha of Compassion, whether known as Chenrezig, Avalokiteshvara, Kuan Yin, or Kannon, is wi...

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Deeper Buddhist Study

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Book cover of Good Karma

Good Karma

A commentary that plants a classic Buddhist text, the Wheel of Sharp Weapons, squarely into life ...

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Book cover of Dont Believe Everything You Think

Don’t Believe Everything You Think

A highly accessible commentary on the classic text The Thirty-seven Practices of Bodhisattvas. In...

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Cover of Buddhism: One Teacher, Many Traditions

Buddhism: One Teacher, Many Traditions

This unique text maps out the convergence and divergence of the two major Buddhist movements—the ...

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Book cover of Practical Ethics and Profound Emptiness

Practical Ethics and Profound Emptiness

Let a great Tibetan scholar, Khensur Jampa Tegchok, guide you through one of Nagarjuna’s ma...

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Monastic Life

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Book cover of Exploring Monastic Life

Exploring Monastic Life Handbook

A collection of articles compiled by the Sravasti Abbey community to provide guidance for those i...

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Cover of the book, "Living the Vinaya"

Living the Vinaya

A commentary on Buddhist karmans and skandhakas, now available in English to support the growth o...

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Lamrim eBooks

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Book cover of Lamrim ebook vol 1

Lamrim Teachings: Volume I

Lamrim foundations and preliminary practices, plus teachings on precious human life. This freely ...

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Book cover of Lamrim ebook vol 2

Lamrim Teachings: Volume II

The path in common with the initial scope practitioner. This freely distributed ebook contains li...

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Study Guides

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Book cover of the study guide to Approaching the Buddhist Path

Approaching the Buddhist Path: Study Guide

Approaching the Buddhist Path, Volume 1 in The Library of Wisdom and Compassion, introduces us to...

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Book cover of the study guide for Don't Believe Everything You Think

Don’t Believe Everything You Think: Study Guide

This study guide serves as a resource for the book Don’t Believe Everything You Think: Living wit...

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Free Distribution Books

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Book cover of Seven Tips for a Happy Life

Seven Tips for a Happy Life

Seven essential tips for cultivating happiness drawn from the Buddha’s teachings. Based on ...

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Book cover of I Wonder Why

I Wonder Why

Answers to common questions about Buddhism in everyday English.

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Monastic Rites

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Book cover of Pravrajya and Shiksamana Ordination Rites

Pravrajya and Shiksamana Ordination Rites

Rites for ordaining novice monastics and training nuns from the Dharmaguptaka Vinaya. This text i...

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Book cover of Teachings and Rites for Sramaneri/as

Teachings and Rites for Sramaneri/as

Essential rites and teachings for novice Buddhist monastics from the Dharmaguptaka Vinaya. This t...

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