Voltando aos trilhos

Voltando aos trilhos

Mulher segurando flores.
Você me guiou espiritualmente com apenas algumas palavras e senti a cura começar. (Foto por Jim Nix)

A seguir, trechos de um e-mail que Gena escreveu para a Abadia, descrevendo como ela começou a se curar da dor e a voltar aos trilhos. Todos nós passamos por períodos de perda, confusão e tristeza, e a reflexão de Gena sobre como ela se curou pode nos ajudar.

Caros Veneráveis ​​Thubten Chodron, Thubten Chonyi e Thubten Semkye,

Venerable Chonyi, you gave me the most kind of words via an email the past few weeks. You guided me spiritually with just a few words and I felt healing begin. My mind has been much more at peace.

Venerável Semkye, seus dois últimos Bodisatva Os ensinamentos do Cantinho do Café da Manhã me fizeram começar a pensar e procurar novamente por mais ensinamentos do Dharma, por respostas. Esses dois ensinamentos recentes abriram minha mente para meus próprios pensamentos perturbadores. Sua honestidade me tocou. Comecei a aprender novamente.

Venerable Thubten Chodron, your teaching on self-centered thoughts not only had me laughing: I was so self-centered I actually thought you were talking directly to me (tongue in cheek). The teaching was about millions of us human beings, and it was about me as well. I had not realized what I had done until I listened to your teaching. I knew I had been lost in grief and loss and felt great pain for quite a while now. I knew my reaction to the losses and my behavior caused me even greater pain. I had put up boundaries, tightly, rigidly, and all but covered myself in the hole I had dug and “decorated” for myself. This hole created depression and great anxiety. I was so stuck in the hole that I was all but certain I would never get out of it. Miserable, I had no idea what to do. I was stuck in grief from one loss, then another, and more people kept passing out of my life. I wondered why I was depressed and anxious. So I kept searching for answers—answers that would not only open my eyes and my mind, but my heart as well.

Na minha confusão, pensei que meus pensamentos egocêntricos eram meus melhores amigos. Vendo que esse não é o caso, rastejei para fora do meu buraco, cobri-o com cimento e comecei a viver novamente, rindo novamente, praticando o Dharma novamente e pensando em outras coisas além de mim. Então, eu aprendi MUITO recentemente. Pensar nos outros, não em si mesmo, é um remédio muito potente.

Through the Dharma the three of you shared with me, I received the answers I had been searching for. My heart became peaceful. I plan to work hard, open my heart and mind to continue learning the Dharma, to keep the mind of “me me me” at bay, and to share what I have learned with others that are in pain.

Obrigado por compartilhar o Dharma. Fez uma enorme diferença na minha vida, e por causa disso, talvez eu possa fazer a diferença na vida de outra pessoa.

Autor Convidado: Gena Butler