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Manjushri Weeklong Retreat 2019

“Letter to a Friend”: Verses 35-42

Venerable Thubten Chodron covers verses 35-42 of Nagarjuna's "Letter to a Friend."

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Manjushri Weeklong Retreat 2019

Using wisdom to guide our lives

The sixth of the seven kinds of wisdom we request Manjushri to inspire us to…

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Manjushri Weeklong Retreat 2019

“Letter to a Friend”: Verses 29-34

Venerable Thubten Chodron covers verses 29-34 of Nagarjuna’s “Letter to a Friend.”

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Manjushri Weeklong Retreat 2019

“Letter to a Friend”: Verses 1-28 review

Review of Verses 1-28 of Nagarjuna’s “Letter to a Friend,” which were covered in the…

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Texts to Recite and Contemplate

The Ten Great Vows by Vasubandhu

The Ten Great Vows, based on great compassion, were written by Vasubandhu in the 4th…

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Venerable Chodron gives a talk at Pu Yi Nunnery.

Cultivating Amitabha’s attitude

Bringing the mind in line with Amitabha's way of thinking means cultivating an attitude that…

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Venerable Chodron placing a khata around someone's neck.
Prayers and Practices

Chinese New Year Tsog motivation

A brief motivation given before a ceremony on Chinese New Year's day in honor of…

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Vajrasattva Winter Retreat 2019

How do I know that I have purified?

The difference between purifying the afflictions and the self-grasping ignorance.

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Vajrasattva New Year's Retreat 2018-19

The emptiness of identities and nonvirtue

The emptiness of identities and nonvirtues, and how this provides the key to purification.

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