Working with Emotions

How to identify disturbing emotions, their causes and antidotes, and transform them to bring inner peace.

All Posts in Working with Emotions

Anger dial on a console.
Healing Anger


Explaining how anger arises and is deceptive, the difference between anger and the behavior, having…

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Venerable Thubten Chodron standing with a group of students from Nanyang Technological University Buddhist Society in Singapore.
Love and Self-esteem

The love that empowers your life

An attitude of loving-kindness enriches our daily life in all kinds of circumstances, helps us…

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Venerable Chodron giving a Dharma talk.
Love and Self-esteem

Loving oneself and others

How Dharma practice can help us to become friends with ourselves, and lead ethical lives…

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Venerable Chodron, smiling.
Fear, Anxiety, and Other Emotions

Living without fear

Identifying and managing fear and anxiety can liberate us to generate greater compassion towards others.

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Photo of woman lying in bed, looking sad.
Fear, Anxiety, and Other Emotions

Dealing with depression

How putting our life into perspective through spiritual practice can help with depression.

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Venerable Tarpa in a group discussion at the Abbey.
Working with Emotions

Buddhism and therapy

Bringing the Dharma into the practice of Western psychotherapy.

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A man showing anger and frustration.
Healing Anger

Overcoming anger and frustration

An extensive talk on the causes and effects of anger, including antidotes to anger.

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The outside front of The Buddhist Library.
Contentment and Happiness

Consumerism and happiness

Questioning how society defines happiness based on what we possess, and examining how consumerism influences…

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