
The Buddhist approach to cultivating mindfulness for the purpose of attaining liberation and full awakening.

All Posts in Mindfulness

Shantideva on the Establishments of Mindfulness

The root of cyclic existence

A continuation of the review, and how important it is to eradicate the self-centered mind.

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Shantideva on the Establishments of Mindfulness

Our craving for feelings and contact

Examining how our feelings arise dependently gives us an objective view of how they rule…

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Shantideva on the Establishments of Mindfulness

Pleasant and unpleasant feelings

We are constantly motivated by attachment and aversion to feelings, which causes us to try…

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Shantideva on the Establishments of Mindfulness

Analyzing the body

Analyzing the body helps to see how it does not exist inherently but does exist…

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Shantideva on the Establishments of Mindfulness

Emptiness of the body

The subtle understanding of the four establishments of mindfulness as taught by Shantideva, beginning with…

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