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Anmeldelser af “Taming the Mind”

Cover af Taming the Mind.

Cover af Taming the Mind.

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Venerable Thubten Chodron is someone whose life embodies the virtues of kindness, simplicity, and a clarity of vision, which lie at the heart of the Buddha’s teaching. It is these perennial qualities that shine through her writings and touch the hearts of readers all over the world.
—Thupten Jinpa, Engelsk hovedoversætter til Dalai Lama og forfatter, Væsentlig Sindstræning

En meget nyttig manual til at starte ens rejse på Dharmas vej.
Tibet Journal

Thubten Chodron explains in clear, down-to-earth language the essence of Buddhist philosophy and psychology, giving us practical tools to implement immediately in our daily lives. The ‘How to Have Good Relationships with Others’ section grew from requests made by young Westerners being taught meditation by this exemplary teacher … A must-have book you can give to your family members or friends who haven’t a clue about Buddhism.
Mandala: Et tibetansk buddhistisk tidsskrift

Chodron, an American-born Tibetan Buddhist nun, here offers her second introduction to Buddhism for Western audiences, but unlike Buddhisme for begyndere, this book has a practical bent showing readers how to carry out the practices of Buddhism in daily life. Sections include fine and concise overviews of the history of Buddhist traditions and an overview of Buddhism today. Best of all perhaps for the curious reader is a section called ‘tæmme Bad Habits,’ which contains advice on how not to complain, speak of the faults of others, live in the past, or take part in any of the world’s other transitory pleasures. Highly recommended.
Bibliotekets tidsskrift

Giver nyttige råd … ved at bruge et simpelt sprog i vestlige begreber … Denne bog vil glæde forfatterens mange beundrere.
The Middle Way, Journal of the Buddhist Society

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Ærværdige Thubten Chodron

Ærværdige Chodron lægger vægt på den praktiske anvendelse af Buddhas lære i vores daglige liv og er især dygtig til at forklare dem på måder, der let kan forstås og praktiseres af vesterlændinge. Hun er kendt for sine varme, humoristiske og klare lære. Hun blev ordineret som buddhistisk nonne i 1977 af Kyabje Ling Rinpoche i Dharamsala, Indien, og i 1986 modtog hun bhikshuni (fuld) ordination i Taiwan. Læs hendes fulde bio.