Dharma in Action

The real meaning of Dharma practice is to transform our minds. The rubber meets the road when we get off the cushion and live our practice in daily life.

All Posts in Dharma in Action

Looking through prison bars to blue sky outside.
On Overcoming Anger

I would normally have been upset

Even a small incident can give us a chance to practice compassion.

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Chain Link Fence with sunshine
On Meditation

Tears of compassion

A meditation on mindfulness brings strong feelings of compassion for others.

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Word cloud showing words like dicrimination and prejudice.
On Working with Afflictions

Clean up my act

A recent increase in hate crimes causes a Dharma student to reflect on where hate…

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Woman with palms together and eyes closed.
Dharma Poetry

To reach potential

A meditation on the folly of self-absorption and the constant striving for attainment.

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Open hand holding a compass
Ethics in the Modern World

Developing our inner moral compass

The value of turning inwards and calming the mind before engaging in social action.

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Man surfing on a boogie board.
Students' Insights

My karma beatdown

A karmic payback incident shows how to avoid suffering by avoiding those negative actions that…

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Shiney Medication Capsules
On Addiction

The allure of drugs

An incarcerated person examines his relationship with drugs.

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Multi-colored candy in heart-shaped bowl
On Addiction


The first steps toward recovery from drug addiction.

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Closeup of Buddha's face.
On Cultivating Wisdom

The sangha in us all

A person in prison uses his understanding of Buddhism to connect with all religions he…

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Man with eyes closed.
Prison Poetry

A glimpse into the ultimate

A powerful meditation on using the mind to shatter illusions.

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Stephen listening to a teaching and smiling.
On Refuge and Bodhicitta


A student contemplates connecting with his own experience in order to develop compassion for others.

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