Dharma in Action

The real meaning of Dharma practice is to transform our minds. The rubber meets the road when we get off the cushion and live our practice in daily life.

All Posts in Dharma in Action

Shoes on asphalt road with elephant and donkey painted on road.
On Refuge and Bodhicitta

My political bias

As our political life becomes more polarized, we can turn to the Dharma to help…

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Dharma in Daily Life

Logic and reasoning in daily life

Logic and reasoning can be used to guide our actions, make decisions and also test…

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Ocean sunset.
Students' Insights

The other shore

A reflection on the voyage that practitioners take, from our present state of samsara to…

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Contentment and Happiness

It’s not about the money: “Sutta on the Dung B...

How attachment to worldly concerns like fame, gain, and praise are obstacles to spiritual progress.…

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Ven. Chodron smiling and entering the centre with Ven. Damcho.
Contentment and Happiness

How to be happy without attachment

When we can release our clinging and attachment there is more satisfaction and contentment in…

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Venerable making a hand gesture while teaching.
Healing Anger

My favorite pastime is complaining

The origins of complaining. How to reflect on the kindness of others to counteract the…

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An Open-Hearted Life

Strength, joy, and compassion

Getting clear about what compassion is and is not. Increasing compassion by changing our perspective…

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Venerable chanting with eyes closed and palms together.
Love and Self-esteem

Being a friend to yourself

Cultivating self-acceptance, letting go of false thoughts about ourselves and caring for others leads to…

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Venerable surrounded by students from SEGi College.
Contentment and Happiness

Happiness within ourselves

How the mind is the main source of happiness not external situations. Transforming one's perspective…

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Women with arms around each other in support.
Dharma Poetry

The meaning of heart

A student reflects on the meaning of our heart connection to one another.

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Illustration of an ear with sound waves going into it.
On Meditation

Meditation with noise

There are many distractions to meditation in prison. This is how one incarcerated person deals…

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Contentment and Happiness

The eight pillars of joy

Venerable Thubten Nyima shares the wisdom of His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Archbishop Desmond…

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