Working with Emotions

How to identify disturbing emotions, their causes and antidotes, and transform them to bring inner peace.

All Posts in Working with Emotions

An Open-Hearted Life

A Healthy Diet for the Mind

How cultivating compassion is like engaging in a mental fitness program for the mind. What…

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Healing Anger

Overcoming jealousy

How jealousy causes emotional pain and problems in relationships. Applying antidotes to overcome jealousy and…

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Healing Anger

Working with anger in daily life

Recognizing the harmfulness of anger. Training the mind to see situations in a different way…

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Cultivating Compassion

The power of compassion in a chaotic world

By cultivating broad-minded compassion we can react in a compassionate way to other living beings…

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An Open-Hearted Life

Becoming friends with ourselves

Becoming our own friend means treating ourselves with kindness, respect and compassion; celebrating our successes…

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An Open-Hearted Life

Working with unwanted thoughts and emotions

How we can work over time to replace troublesome thoughts and emotions with more compassionate…

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An Open-Hearted Life

The power of optimism and types of emotion

How an optimistic attitude is important in maintaining compassion. A look at different ways to…

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An Open-Hearted Life

Compassionate understanding of emotions

How a compassionate understanding of how emotions play out in our minds gives us a…

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An Open-Hearted Life

Mindful awareness

Mindful awareness helps us to observe, accept and take responsibility for our emotions, so we…

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Person's finger pushing a button in an elevator.
Healing Anger

Getting rid of my buttons

Wrong conceptions lie at the root of many of the problems we encounter in dealing…

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An Open-Hearted Life

A different kind of strength

Compassion is based on inner strength that helps us remain present with own and others…

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An Open-Hearted Life

Confusion about compassion

While everyone admires compassion, there is a lot of confusion about it. It's good to…

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