Bodhisattva Path

How to become a bodhisattva, a great being intent on attaining full awakening for the benefit of all beings.

All Posts in Bodhisattva Path

The Six Perfections

Paramita of ethical conduct

Examples from Buddhist scriptures of the bodhisattva perfection of ethical conduct and compares the pratimoksa…

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The Six Perfections

Day 2: Questions and answers

Questions from Day 2 teachings on anger, obscurations to omniscience, and the super-knowledges.

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The Six Perfections

Paramita of generosity

Examples from Buddhist scriptures of the bodhisattva perfection of generosity, which includes giving material goods,…

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The Six Perfections

Wishing bodhicitta

The five guidelines of wishing, or aspiring, bodhicitta and the four positive dharmas and the…

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The Six Perfections

Day 1: Questions and answers

Questions from Day 1 teachings on cognition, altruism, self-centeredness, and bodhicitta.

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The Six Perfections

Why is bodhicitta so powerful?

How bodhicitta encapsulates numerous agents of transformation within a single motivation and outlines some of…

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Bodhisattva Path

The joy of serving sentient beings

How compassion and benefiting others benefits ourselves and others now and in the future. Reflections…

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Bodhisattva Path

Wisdom and compassion

Venerable Sangye Khadro teaches on three kinds of compassion.

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Statue of Kuan Yin.
Bodhisattva Path

Taking and giving

How to practice tonglen, the taking-and-giving meditation.

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Ven. Chodron smiling and teaching in Russia.
Bodhisattva Path

The benefits of bodhichitta

Bodhicitta—the aspiration for awakening for the benefit of all sentient beings—is the most noble intention…

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